Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A Reminder Of God's Purpose

By Carrie Grace Congdon

A few weeks ago our group of five returned from our trip to East Africa in partnership with TSC and Project 61.  I wanted to share a little about each day that we spent there. The first day we arrived we went to visit the orphanage which was started by a friend. She explained how bad the conditions were when she first started, how the babies were starving and how they lay in their urine and feces for most of the day because there was no one to wash the diapers and bedding. There was little hope. Then God spoke to her and through her obedience people started donating items and money to bring these children to where they are today. Now most of the babies were very healthy, even chubby with smiles and giggles. 

There was a new baby that had come in the day before, they named him Levi. He was 4 months old and only weighed 6 pounds. He was sick with a terrible cough. I held him for most of the afternoon but it felt like I was holding an empty blanket.  He had an amazing story about how he was found that let us all know that God was using him even in his poor condition. We were blessed to see the work of God.

Saturday we went and met with several other non-profit organizations in the area. It was amazing to see how many different organizations were working with the orphans and widows to try to make their lives better. The most important was their willingness to share the hope and love of Jesus. We were humbled.  

Sunday we attended a local church and had our cups overflow as we experienced the Holy Spirit move in the worship service. It was wonderful to see these people who live in poverty that we cannot imagine, worship with all their hearts. For rows of single young men to sing and sway and cry without concern for what others might think. they loved him so!

Monday morning we arrived in another city to find that most of the children had not come to the church due to the pouring rain, so we went to find them instead. We met most of them while walking along the streets and followed them home to see where they lived or were staying while home from the boarding school.  My heart breaks every time I hear one of their stories of  hunger, sickness, and loss. We prayed with each family before we left and heard many thanks for giving their children a future by helping them go to school. These visits are always a favorite of mine because I know God has a plan for each of these people. I am filled with hope and anticipation for what good He will bring to their lives.     


Tuesday and Wednesday mornings we spent teaching Bible lessons to the children in the summer camp program. I am amazed that in the year that Project 61 has been influencing how much they know about the Bible and Jesus. Often, when you meet a child for the first time, their first questions is "what is your name?", but the second question is "do you know Jesus?" How I wish that we were more like them.  What if when you met someone new you said, "Hi, my name is Carrie, what's yours? Do you know Jesus?" Isn't that how it should be?  

Thursday morning we traveled to the boarding school, to help the Ordinary Hero team paint and clean in the boys dorm. On Friday we finished painting what we could of the ceilings before the paint ran out, cleaned up and started the road trip back to where we were staying. A protest started so we took a detour.  It was a blessing to see the African landscape from the top of the mountains.  I was reminded of who God is and that He is always there in the big things and in the details. 

Saturday we had to say goodbye to everyone. We talked, played, held hands, kissed cheeks and finally waved goodbye one last time.  God called baby Levi home as we were traveling back to the states.  For a short time I questioned why... but God whispered that His plan was bigger than I can understand. Baby Levi had already made such an impact in his short life that it was time for him to be home in the arms of Jesus. Not my will but yours...

As always the team left part of each of us behind, we learned about God and ourselves and we saw God's plan and purpose being worked out in many ways. We were humbled to get to play a small part and everyone is looking forward to the changes that will occur in our lives as a result of this mission trip. I encourage everyone to listen and be obedient. Your blessings will be abundant! 

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