Friday, June 1, 2012

Finishing Strong

 By Branden

Wait for It
“Still the vision awaits it’s appointed time; it hastens to the end- it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay.” (Habakkuk 2:3) Wow, have we seen the highs and lows of this verse. Have you ever set out for something big in your life? Maybe it was a personal goal, maybe it was a short term mission trip, maybe it was to help give so others could go. Many times in many men and women’s lives God has given visions. Almost five years ago when we filled out applications for going into full time missions we didn’t know what was in store for us. We committed our steps to the Lord and he continued opening doors. It came at it’s appointed time and it was true to us. At times it seemed like forever and landing on foreign soil would never come or at least not soon enough. Well, it came and it didn’t delay. The key we heard over and over, as God reminds us in his word, is to wait for it. We are thankful for all the people around us that have said yes to their visions and were patient and are seeing it come to fruition.

Optimistically Naïve?
Two years ago when we had to make a decision as we face a clear cross roads, we felt strongly that he was leading us here  develop the English Center. Our vision was to see a place that students had where they could further their English language, but were around people that could share what the true purpose of life was all about. As the walls went up we began thinking and praying how we could see this come to completion and how one day the local believers could be handed over the tools to use this facility as an outlet to meet students and give them some solid English courses in an environment where they don’t feel threatened. Oh, did it seem slow! And there were many days we said what are we doing here, but as a great friend of mine said, “I am just optimistically naive.” Maybe it wasn’t so much of that as we knew God wouldn’t have opened all the doors in the beginning and raised up supporters only to abandon us and embarrass by failure.

On the Horizons
So now how do we use these contacts? Well, this Thursday thirteen college students from the midsouth will be arriving here for the summer to continue with class and evangelism with these students. On Sunday, May 20th we have a team of four from Michigan that will come for two weeks and teach English four days at the center; then Friday and Saturday each week we will take 30 students to Lake Isakkol. (It is the second highest largest lake in the world and only a couple of hours away.) During that time each person on our team is responsible to find time to share the
Gospel and give the students they invited a chance to respond. Please pray for this time!

What’s next?
As we look forward to our last three weeks here we just want to thank you again for all your prayers and support to make these stories happen! We also want to say we still need your support as we travel home. Annie will be looking for a nursing position and Branden is meeting with our leaders about how we both can continue working with Crusade and reaching college students. We look forward to catching up with you this summer and share about where we feel God is calling us next and how you can be a part of it! We love you greatly and can’t wait to see you! Let the next vision begin!

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