Thursday, August 4, 2011

Project 61 Prayer Requests for August

Thank you for praying for Project 61 and those working in East Asia!  Here are a few requests and praises from the Project 61 Team.

A team just returned on Saturday from a week of summer camp.  Things went very well and they had great things to say about the kids in the boarding school.  They look great physically and they were impressed with how much they've learned in just a year.

Another team just left.  They are taking half a load of brand new tennis shoes to East Africa.  Pray for favor with custom's agents.  We are praying they will not have to pay taxes on these shoes.  Some previous teams have dealt with this issue.  Another team in August will be taking the rest of the shoes.  Pray for them as well.

Corey starts in-service in a week for his new job at a local school in Addis.  His children also start school in a week.  Pray for all of their transitions.

Continue to pray for the summer camp and the interns in East Africa helping this summer.  (Boarding school starts again in September).

Please pray for good health for the family working in East Africa and for strong relationships with church leaders.  Most of all pray that God's glory would be shown over in Africa!

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